Functions | Commands Super(admin) pwd:1234 Normal pwd:0000 | Note | Who can use commands |
First authorization | 1234#TEL(phone num)#DEF# | The first authorization for super admin, device auto assign user ID, this phone number will be the super admin, has all permission for device operate | -- |
1234#TEL(phone num)#(user ID)# | As above DEF authorization for super admin, the different is can edit user ID by yourself; User ID rules: letter, numbers or both combine | -- |
Relay control ways | By free calling | Calling to control the relay on/off | All authorized users |
1234#ON# 0000#ON# | Relay ON by SMS, if you set the relay delay time, this obey the relay delay time settings | All authorized users |
1234#KPON# 0000#KPON# | Relay ON by SMS, keep the relay on until you off it by calling or SMS, do not obey the relay delay time settings | All authorized users |
1234#OFF# 0000#OFF# | Relay off by SMS | All authorized users |
Check the relay current status | 1234#RELAY? 0000#RELAY? | Check the relay current status | All authorized users |
Check the signal value | 1234#CSQ? 0000#CSQ? | Check the signal value | All authorized users |
Relay delay time settings | 1234#GOT(time)# RTU5024: Max support 2000 seconds CNC503: Max support 9999 seconds CNC505: Max support 36000 seconds | If you set the relay delay time 60seconds, send 1234#GOT60#, the next time you active the relay, the relay will work last 60 seconds; If you set as 0, 1234#GOT0#, the relay will keep on the next time you active it, until you off it by free calling or SMS via app | Admin/Super admin users |
1234#GOT? | Check the relay delay time settings | Admin/Super admin users |
Authorize new users as admin users | 1234#TEL(phone num)#DEF# | Authorize a new user as admin users, “DEF” means device auto assign the user ID 001-999 | Admin/Super admin users |
1234#TEL(phone num)#(user ID)# | As above DEF authorization for super admin, the different is can edit user ID by yourself; User ID rules: letter, numbers or both combine | Admin/Super admin users |
Authorize new users as normal users
(Only CNC503, CNC505 support this) | 1234#NORTEL(phone num)#DEF# | Authorize a new user as normal user, “DEF” means device auto assign the user ID 001-999 | Admin/Super admin users |
1234#NORTEL(phone num)#(user ID)# | As above DEF authorization for normal admin, the different is can edit user ID by yourself; User ID rules: letter, numbers or both combine | Admin/Super admin users |
Check user with four ways | 1234#TELALL? | Check all users | Admin/Super admin users |
1234#QRYTEL(phone num)? | Check users by phone number | Admin/Super admin users |
1234#TEL(user ID)? | Check users by user ID (001-999) | Admin/Super admin users |
1234#TEL(user name)? | Check users by user name (letter, numbers or both combine you named | Admin/Super admin users |
Delete users with three ways | 1234#DELTEL#(phone num)# | Delete users by phone number (the super admin cannot be deleted, but you can modify the super admin to a new phone number, check the follow “others commands”) | Admin/Super admin users |
1234#TEL#(user ID)# | Delete users by user ID (super admin cannot be delete, but you can change the super admin phone number, check the others commands in the final page) | Admin/Super admin users |
1234#TEL#(user name)# | Delete users by user name (super admin cannot be delete, but you can change the super admin phone number, check the others commands in the final page) | Admin/Super admin) users |
SMS functions 1 | 1234#PUSH(phone num)# (Only CNC503, CNC505 support this) | Add push notification phone numbers (Max 3 phone numbers); Push notification: Anyone active the relay will return SMS to push notification phone numbers (super admin phone number default be one of the notification phone numbers) | Admin/Super admin) users |
1234#PUSHALL? | Check all push notification phone numbers | Admin/Super admin users |
1234#DELPUSH#(phone num)# (Only CNC503, CNC505 support this) | Delete the push notification phone numbers(super admin cannot be deleted) | Admin/Super admin users |
1234#R# | Enable SMS return to push notification phone numbers When relay is activated by SMS/free calling (Default enable) | Admin/Super admin users |
1234#N# | Disable SMS return to push notification phone numbers When relay is activated by SMS/free calling | Admin/Super admin users |
SMS functions 2 | 1234#PSR# (Only CNC505 support this) | Enable SMS return to push notification phone numbers when press the button(Default enable) | Admin/Super admin users |
1234#PSN# (Only CNC505 support this) | Disable SMS return to push notification phone numbers when press the button | Admin/Super admin users |
1234#FBR# | Enable SMS return to operators (Default enable) | Admin/Super admin users |
1234#FBN# | Disable SMS return to operators | Admin/Super admin users |
1234#M? | Check SMS return settings | Admin/Super admin users |
Change password | 1234#PWD(new pwd)#PWD(new pwd)# | Change the super(admin) password password rules: 4-12 characters, case sensitive, supports letter and numbers | Only Super admin |
1234#NORPWD(new pwd) #NORPWD(new pwd)# | Change the normal users password password rules: 4-12 characters, case sensitive, supports letter and numbers | Only Super admin |
Unauthorized calling/SMS access settings | 1234#AA# | Allow unauthorized phone numbers access the relay by calling | Admin/Super admin users |
1234#AU# | Stop unauthorized phone numbers access the relay by calling | Admin/Super admin users |
1234#AC? | Check the settings status of unauthorized phone numbers to access the device by free calling | Admin/Super admin users |
1234#MA# (Only CNC503, CNC505 support this) | Allow unauthorized phone numbers access relay by SMS, password rules obey the normal users password: 0000#ON# 0000#KPON# 0000#OFF# 0000#RELAY? 0000#CSQ? | Admin/Super admin users |
1234#MU# (Only CNC503, CNC505 support this) | Stop unauthorized phone numbers access the relay by calling | Admin/Super admin users |
1234#MC? (Only CNC503, CNC505 support this) | Check the settings status of unauthorized phone numbers to access the device by SMS | Admin/Super admin users |
Others commands | 1234#MODTEL#(new phone num)#(new phone num)# | Modify your phone number permission completely to another new phone number, the new phone number will get all permission of the device, the old phone number lost all permission of the device. | Admin/Super admin users |
1234#RESET# | Delete all parameters, back to factory settings | Only Super admin |
1234#REBOOT# | Remote reboot the device | Only Super admin |